The authorities of the Stavropol Territory will allocate more than six billion rubles to support participants in the military special operation and their families in 2023. This was announced today, February 22, by Governor Vladimir Vladimirov.

“We will create a fund on the territory of the region to finance regional expenses related to the support of SVO participants and their families. Thanks to the deputies of the regional Duma – today they supported the bill we introduced. This means that from March 1, we will have a system of comprehensive regional support. Expenses for it will amount to more than 6 billion rubles this year. Assistance measures apply for the entire period from January 1, 2023”,

 — he wrote in his telegram channel.

The fund is created without an administrative apparatus, only at the expense of the existing structure of social services for citizens.

As specified in the press service of the governor, the following social benefits are provided: in case of injury – 500 thousand rubles, severe injury – 1 million rubles, receipt of state awards – 1 million rubles, volunteers at the conclusion of the contract – 50 thousand rubles and upon its completion – 150 thousand rubles.

“To family members of SVO participants: a one-time cash payment to the spouse at the birth of a child – 20 thousand rubles, full compensation for kindergarten fees, providing children with free hot meals in schools, free attendance by children of circles and sections in state and municipal institutions of additional education”,

 – continued in the press service of Vladimirov.

In the event of the death of a fighter who participated in hostilities in the NVO zone, family members are provided with a one-time allowance in the amount of 3 million rubles, a one-time cash payment for the burial of the dead in the amount of 30 thousand rubles, monetary compensation for the cost of educating a child in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, not exceeding 200 thousand rubles.

source: eadaily

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