Author: Encion

The European Union Commissioner for neighbourhood and enlargement, Oliver Varheyli, signed a 781-million-euros package for refugees in Turkey during his visit to the Turkish capital, Ankara. “[Turkish] Minister Mahinur Ozdemir signed a €781m agreement to continue to support the most vulnerable refugees. EU committed to continue with its support and assistance, in solidarity with Turkey,” Varheyli said on Wednesday. The financial package is the biggest EU contract ever signed, Varheyli announced. According to the latest data shared by Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, nearly 5 million refugees and migrants live in Turkey, but experts and the opposition say the number is likely higher.…

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Social leaders from the regions of Apurimac, Puno, Tacna, Moquegua, Arequipa and Ayacucho confirmed their support for the strike. According to the Departmental Federation of Workers of Cusco, protests in Peru against the government will resume in October, as agreed by several social organizations. The secretary general of one of the Federation’s factions Juan Castillo said that “future measures of force will be approved next weekend, for now there is the proposal to abide by a 48-hour strike, mobilizations and others that will be implemented.” Castillo urged the population to join the mobilization as “we cannot continue to put up…

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Rabat – Peru announced its decision to suspend diplomatic relations with the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) on Friday. The decision is in “accordance with the rules of international law,” a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru said on Friday. “Pery, faithful to the principles of international law that guide its foreign policy, reiterates its willingness to continue supporting, within the framework of the United Nations, all efforts aimed at achieving a just, sustainable, and mutually acceptable political solution by all parties to the Western Sahara dispute,” the statement added. A solution to the dispute should be based on “compromise”…

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China is intensifying a crackdown on alleged spies for the US, saying it found another case of an individual informing the Central Intelligence Agency, adding to a series of espionage accusations between the two nations. The Chinese Ministry of State Security said on Monday it is investigating a 39-year-old ministry official identified by his surname Hao for providing information to the CIA in exchange for money. This follows another case earlier this month involving an employee of a military industrial group.The latest claims come weeks after CIA director William Burns said his agency has made progress in rebuilding its network…

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Aug 15 (Reuters) – Peru’s economy is showing signs it could start growing again after shrinking in the first half of this year, the country’s finance chief said on Tuesday, after data earlier in the day confirmed that the country had entered a technical recession. Peru’s gross domestic product (GDP) shrank 0.56% in June, according to government statistics agency INEI, cementing two consecutive quarters of economic contraction, and lagging behind analysts’ forecasts. The Andean economy’s performance comes as the mineral-rich country grapples with the fallout from nationwide anti-government protests earlier this year as well as adverse weather weighing on growth.…

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The Japanese cabinet approved the government’s annual military white paper on July 28. Produced by the Defense Ministry, the document is presented as a justification for Japan’s remilitarization and makes clear that China is the primary target of this massive buildup. It is the first white paper to come out since the formal release of Tokyo’s new military strategy last December. The paper presents China as Japan’s “greatest strategic challenge,” while also denouncing Russia and North Korea. Tokyo claims that Beijing is “continuing and amplifying its unilateral changes to the status quo by force” in the East and South China…

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The 15th century Inca citadel, situated nearly 8,000 feet above sea level, is as much of a must-see for those on a multi-country itinerary as for anyone visiting Peru by itself. However, while neighbouring countries have benefited from the post-Covid tourism resurgence this year, Peru has had its setbacks, with political unrest marring its recovery. Peru’s profile in the UK had already slipped before the latest events with the cessation of British Airways’ non-stop Gatwick-Lima service in 2021 after five years. It has all added up to a tough time for the country, although so far, the impact on its…

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WASHINGTON, July 18 (Reuters) – Ukraine’s counter-offensive against Russia is far from a failure, but the fight ahead will be long and bloody, the top U.S. general said on Tuesday, even as casualties on both sides mount and the front lines have moved only incrementally. The United States and other allies have spent months building Ukraine a “mountain of steel” of weaponry and training Ukrainian forces in combined arms techniques to help Kyiv pierce formidable Russian defenses during its counter-offensive. Asked whether the counter-offensive was a failure, at least so far, General Mark Milley, chair of the Joint Chiefs of…

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According to the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru (MINEM), gold production in Peru, the world’s tenth largest gold producing country, was 7,688 kg (247 koz) in May 2023, down 7.4% compared to 8,299 kg (267 koz) mined in May 2022. MINEM said that this negative performance was primarily due to the lower production reported by Compañía Minera Poderosa S.A. (-28.4%), Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. (-23.6%) and Minera Yanacocha S.R.L. (-12.2%). At the company level, Compañía Minera Poderosa S.A. maintained its first position accounting for 8.8% of total gold production in Peru, followed by Minera Yanacocha S.R.L. (8.0%)…

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Ukraine’s aspiration to join the EU will be one of the priorities of the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said Saturday on a visit to Kyiv. “Spain reaffirms its commitment to work with Ukraine as it makes progress in meeting the conditions in its EU accession,” according to a joint statement by Sánchez and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy issued on Saturday. Sánchez arrived in Kyiv on Saturday morning to meet the Ukrainian leader for what was meant to be a highly symbolic visit, taking place as Spain officially takes over the reins of the…

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