Author: Ibitinga

Moscow (28/2). Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that non-governmental organizations in Central Asia have stepped up their anti-Russian activities amid the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army. Shoigu said this at the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense on February 27. According to him, there are more than 100 “large pro-Western non-governmental organisations” operating in Central Asia, which have more than 16,000 representative offices and branches. “Against the backdrop of the special military operation, these NGOs have significantly increased their anti-Russian activities in order to reduce military-technical, economic and cultural cooperation between the Central Asian states and Russia.…

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Brazil is moving ahead with the creation of an international security center in Manaus that will bring together Amazon nations in policing the rainforest, sharing intelligence and chasing criminals, a senior Brazilian police officer said. A building has been rented and equipment is being purchased for the center that will have police representatives from the other seven countries of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO). The center will fight drug trafficking and the smuggling of timber, fish and exotic animals, as well as deforestation and other environmental crimes, Humberto Freire, head of the Federal Police’s Environment and Amazon department, said…

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WASHINGTON – The Department of State endorsed, and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered congressional notification of, a proposed Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case for submarine training devices, personnel training, planning, and nonrecurring engineering (NRE) services in support of the AUKUS Pillar One Optimal Pathway. The case will span nine years and have a ceiling of $2 billion pending passage of several legislative proposals. “The submarine trainers are the same ones used by U.S. crews assigned to Virginia Class boats,” said Capt. Lincoln Reifsteck, the AUKUS Integration and Acquisition (AUKUS I&A) Program Manager. “The systems will be used by Australian submariners…

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Frankfurt (18/12 – 14) That there are remarkable advantages in being ignored is not generally recognized. Central Asian countries, historically under the thumb of Moscow, all through the 70+ years of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, were more or less cut off from the outside world. There was little trade or other exchange. The USSR was in fact a grab-bag of ethnicities, religions and languages, controlled with an iron fist by Stalin and afterwards with unbroken dominance through subsequent regimes. Under Soviet management, Central Asia had stayed poor and ignored; it had not developed any hydrocarbon resources to lure…

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Russia continues to face “mass casualties from Ukrainian long-range precision strikes well behind the front line” the British Defense Ministry said Friday in its daily intelligence update on the war. The ministry said that on November 10, more than 70 Russian troops were probably killed in a strike on a truck convoy 23 kilometers behind the front line in Hladkivka, a village in Kherson oblast. Then, the ministry said, a November 19 strike on an award ceremony or concert in Kumachove, 60 kilometers behind the lines, probably caused “tens” of casualties. Ukraine, though, has suffered similar casualties, the update said,…

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Claro Peru, an América Móvil subsidiary, has inaugurated the first phase of its data center in Lima, Peru. The facility was officially launched on December 6 and is a 250 sqm (2,690 sq ft) data center that is Uptime Tier III certified with a capacity for 104 cabinets. The $50 million data center will be part of parent company América Móvil’s global data center network. “We are a company that invests in the development of the digital economy of companies and organizations in the public and private sector in Peru, being a benchmark in the digital transformation of businesses in…

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Earlier this week, the head of Moldova’s Intelligence and Security Service confirmed his organization had found evidence that Russia would try to influence Sunday’s elections. “This will be done through various methods, including the illegal financing of parties, vote-buying and bribing candidates, but also through disinformation campaigns,” said Alexandru Musteata. He called on the country’s commission for extraordinary situations to shut down six television channels and 31 news platforms engaged in “information warfare against Moldova.” Licenses for six other television stations had already been suspended and dozens of websites blocked for supporting Russia’s war in neighboring Ukraine. Severing ties with Russia Moldova’s local and regional elections on Sunday are crucial,…

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The diplomatic spat began after a 1-1 draw between the countries’ national teams in a 2026 World Cup qualifier on Tuesday, with Venezuelan officials alleging xenophobia on the part of Peruvian authorities. After the Venezuelan team’s flight home was delayed on Wednesday, Caracas also accused Lima of “kidnapping” its national players by refusing to allow the aircraft to refuel, a claim disputed by the airport operator. “A complicated trip, but thank God we’re home and we’re fine,” said Venezuelan footballer Miguel Navarro after landing Wednesday night in Caracas, where players were greeted by dozens of fans with applause and music.…

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No-one really knows why the circles of Moray were created. There’s a theory that this series of concentric terraces dug deeper and deeper into the Andean mountainside is the work of aliens, indecipherable messages from extra-terrestrial beings. The more believable conclusion is that this gaping hole in the Peruvian mountains was created by the Incan civilisation. Machu Picchu, after all, is just nearby. Cusco is an hour or so away. The stonework, dated to about 500 years ago, is reminiscent of other Incan creations. It makes sense. Still, mystery remains about the purpose of the circles, given the Incas left…

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Vladimir Putin said that the United States had stoked tensions with Beijing by building the “AUKUS” security alliance. Russian president Vladimir Putin said on that suggestions the United States should prepare for a war against Russia and China were nonsense as he warned the West that any war against Moscow would be on a whole different level to the conflict in Ukraine. The comments from the Russian leader come as a bipartisan panel appointed by the US Congress said that Washington must prepare for possible simultaneous wars with Moscow and Beijing by “expanding its conventional forces, strengthening alliances and enhancing…

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