Author: Ibitinga

Archaeologists have revealed a new trove of painted murals within Pañamarca, a pillared hall on a rock outcrop in the lower Nepeña Valley of northern Peru. One series of murals features a two-faced man wearing a golden headdress and elaborate belt holding a fan of red and yellow feathers. In the upper painting, the figure holds a goblet of flowers feeding four hummingbirds in one hand. The figure carries a weapon or a quipu, an Indigenous numerical accounting device, in the lower portion, and his feathered fan is bent. Historians hypothesize that the images, which date back nearly 1,400 years, could represent…

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Chile launched its new icebreaker the Almirante Viel built for scientific research on December 22. The ship is being hailed as the largest ship ever built in Chile, and possibly South America, as well as the first of its kind in South America. Built by the state-run shipyard ASMAR (Astilleros y Maestranzas de la Armada), navy and shipyard officials called it the “most ambitious project” in the 62-year history of ASMAR. The contract for the design of the icebreaker was awarded in January 2016 to Vard Marine. The mandate was to develop a vessel capable of missions including logistic support, search and…

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