Author: Triquez

The tourism sector in Chile experienced a 52.9% growth in income 2022, new UNWTO research into the country’s status as a top destination for investors reveals. The latest edition of the UNWTO “Tourism Doing Business: Investment Guidelines” also makes clear the opportunities available to foreign investors and the challenges caused by both national considerations and global economic conditions. Launched during the 2nd Tourism Investment Forum of Chile (Santiago, 7 December), “Tourism Doing Business: Investing in Chile” highlights the main attributes of the country as a tourist destination and as an attractive place to invest in the sector. The guidelines note: The UNWTO Guidelines showcase…

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Chile’s government is in talks with the Biden administration over benefits that US companies could access from the Inflation Reduction Act if they were to invest in the mineral-rich Andean nation. Authorities from Chile have held discussions with President Joe Biden himself as well as US Treasury Department and trade officials, Foreign Affairs Minister Alberto van Klaveren said in an interview. President Gabriel Boric’s government is looking to attract foreign capital to help it tap more of the world’s biggest lithium reserves and move further along the battery supply chain as the clean energy transition gathers momentum. The country’s free-trade…

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“We expect approximately 85 percent or more of this season’s Chilean cherry exports will arrive in China,” said Ivan Marambio, president of the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association on Friday. The future export volume of Chilean cherries to China is likely to double over the next four seasons, he told the Global Times. Marambio made the remarks on the sidelines of the 16th China-Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Business Summit, which is held annually by China and Latin American countries in rotation. The 2023 summit is being held from Thursday to Friday in Beijing. “We have confidence in the future…

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Frankfurt (11/09 – 20) Two international human rights organizations have called on the Tajikistan government to immediately release jailed lawyer and human rights activist Manuchehr Kholiknazarov, as well as other activists and journalists. The International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) and the international non-profit organization CIVICUS, which bills itself as “a global alliance aimed at strengthening the action of citizens and civil society around the world,” in their message published specially on the eve of Independence Day, September 8, focus on the fact that Tajik human rights activist and civil society activist Manuchehr Kholiknazarov was falsely sentenced to a long…

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SEOUL, Oct. 12 (Yonhap) — South Korea and Chile discussed ways Thursday to boost bilateral cooperation on a wider range of economic and industry fields as they marked the 20th anniversary of a bilateral Free trade agreement (FTA), Seoul’s industry ministry said. Some 100 government and corporate officials from the two nations held an economic cooperation committee meeting in Seoul and exchanged opinions on how to work together on such new sectors as supply chains, digital economy, and new renewable energy resources, according to the Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy. This year marked the 20th anniversary of signing the…

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Major ice cream brand, Magnum, has unveiled a key extension of its flavours for the South American market with the addition of a new ruby chocolate targeting consumers in its Brazilian market, writes Neill Barston. The company has already seen its latest variety succeed in a number of locations in Europe, and as far and wide as Japan and Turkey, developed by sector cocoa and confectionery B2B key suppliers, Swiss-headquartered Barry Callebaut. As the company noted, ruby chocolate offers a new dimension of taste: a blend of berry fruitiness and smooth flavour, the ice cream bar’s vanilla filling, paired with…

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The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a US$90 million loan to contribute to human capital development in Guyana. The loan approved by the IDB’s Board of Executive Directors is designed to expand access to safe and improved learning environments and enhance educational services for vulnerable students in Guyana. This is the first individual operation of a conditional credit line for investment projects (CCLIP) valued at US$150 million. This first project supports the foundation for transforming Guyana’s education sector by improving the quality of the service and addressing regional differences in the delivery of education in the country. In particular,…

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I remember the day back in 2014 when I’d just settled into my new apartment in Santiago and a powerful earthquake rattled the walls. I leaped up from my couch and ran for the door, while all the Chileans in the room just sat still and laughed at me, confident in Chile’s strong building codes and unfazed by the regular tremors. A few days later, I learned that even the simple act of buying an empanada (stuffed pastry) could involve navigating three separate lines. As those first weeks in Chile passed, my dinner hour moved from 7pm to 8pm, eventually landing where it stands today, at…

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Rival protests are being held in Chile’s capital ahead of the 50th anniversary of a military coup that ousted the democratically-elected President Salvador Allende and brought General Augusto Pinochet to power. “The crowds have been very very mixed and so have their messages. It’s been a very violent day so far,” Al Jazeera’s Lucia Newman, reporting from Santiago, said on Sunday. “It was mayhem,” she said. More than 3,200 people were killed or “disappeared” – abducted and presumed killed – by Pinochet’s security forces. About 38,000 were tortured during his 17-year dictatorship. The general died of a heart attack on…

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SANTIAGO, Aug 16 (Reuters) – Chilean President Gabriel Boric on Wednesday named Aurora Williams his new mining minister as he reshuffled his cabinet and looked to push through reforms to increase state income from mining in the world’s largest copper producing nation. Williams, who will replace Marcela Hernando, held the same position during the 2014-18 administration of former President Michelle Bachelet. “I invite the ministers to consolidate our national lithium policy and to continue to maintain Chile’s global mining leadership,” Boric said in a ceremony, highlighting the mining industry’s role in reducing poverty and inequality. “I would have liked this…

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