The European Parliament adopted, last Thursday, a new resolution hostile to the kingdom calling for banning Moroccan officials from accessing the Brussels hemicycle.

The daily Assabah reports, in its weekend edition (February 18 and 19), that this new resolution confirms a deliberate desire for escalation, behind which are opponents of Morocco in certain political coalitions, including the parties of the radical left and the Greens. Faced with this pathological hostility, Morocco has rejected this interference which undermines its sovereignty, in the absence of evidence corroborating the accusations made against the kingdom. This resolution cancels the access badges of Morocco’s representatives to the European Parliament and of people who represent its interests until the end of the investigation into the so-called “Qatargate” corruption case.

The lawyer and political actor, Naoufal Bouamri, declared that “this new resolution of the European Parliament demonstrates that this institution continues its policy of hostility against Morocco and tries to implicate it, in an outrageous way, in cases of corruption whose MEPs and the entire European Parliament are guilty. A scandal that this institution seeks to export outside of Europe by pretending to be a victim when it is guilty”. And the lawyer to specify that the decision to prohibit access to parliament to Moroccans comes too late because Morocco has already ceased all forms of relations and frozen the mechanisms that existed between parliamentarians.

The daily Al Akhbar, which deals with the same subject, points out that the resolution against Morocco comes following the “Qatargate” scandal in which corrupt MEPs and other pressure groups are implicated. A case that splashed the European Parliament and pushed its members to demand more reforms and to create an independent ethics body within their institution.

In a post published on Twitter, the former minister and chairman of the Morocco-European Union joint parliamentary committee, Lahcen Haddad, stressed that an “amendment presented by the grouping of conservatives and reformists which stipulates first confirming charges of interfering before taking action against Morocco was dismissed. A proof of the gratuitous hostility of the European Parliament towards Morocco”.

This institution, adds Lahcen Haddad, is the ideal refuge for parties who want to attack Morocco without discovering each other. The Renaissance MEPs, the party of Emmanuel Macron, are behind these maneuvers which target Morocco by instrumentalizing the group of MEPs from Renew Europe to carry out their frantic campaigns, specifies the ex-minister.

source: le360

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