Author: Joabracho

June 30 (Reuters) – Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, the Kremlin’s staunchest ally in its war in Ukraine, said on Friday he was certain Russian tactical nuclear weapons deployed in his country would never be used. Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin have acknowledged that some tactical weapons have arrived in Belarus and the remainder would be put in place by the end of the year. The Belarusian president, in an address marking his ex-Soviet state’s national day, said the stationing of the weapons in Belarus was “my firmest initiative”. “As we move along, we become more and more convinced that…

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Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD) Chairman Guido Flores participated in the 7th International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VII) held in Baku, Azerbaijan. MINEPS has been convened by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It was organized by the Azerbaijan Ministry of Youth and Sports. “This forum facilitates the exchange of technical and intellectual knowledge in the field of physical education and sport. Besides, it is an institutional mechanism for a coherent international strategy in this area,” the IPD said in a press release. Moreover, this is the only global platform of its kind that brings together…

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YEREVAN, JUNE 5, ARMENPRESS. The government of Peru has approved a 60-day extension of the state of emergency in the southern region of Puno activated since January amid anti-government protests, TASS news agency reported. Major protests erupted in Peru after the ousting of President Pedro Castillo in late 2022. Protesters demand President Dina Boluarte’s resignation, the dissolution of parliament and new elections. Dozens have died and over 1600 injured during the protests. Source: Armen Press

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Former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo landed Sunday in Lima, after being extradited from the United States to face corruption charges of receiving millions of U.S. dollars in bribes, Peruvian radio RPP reported. Toledo’s extradition ends a six-year battle raised by Peruvian judicial authorities, which accused him of allegedly taking at least 20 million U.S. dollars in bribes from Odebrecht, a Brazilian construction company, in exchange for a government contract to build the Interoceanic Highway linking Peru and Brazil. The prosecutor in Peru is pursuing a sentence of more than 20 years in prison for that crime. Having been wanted since…

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Casemiro has called for an end to speculation linking Real Madrid boss Carlo Ancelotti to Brazil’s vacant managerial role. Brazil have been searching for a head coach since December, when Adenor Bacchi, better known as Tite, stepped down following the team’s World Cup quarterfinal defeat to Croatia. Current Real Madrid manager Ancelotti is among the favorites to fill the position despite having 15 months remaining on his contract with the Spanish club. But Casemiro, who played under the 63-year-old Italian at Real Madrid before joining Manchester United last August, described the rumors as disrespectful. “He is a coach that I…

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Juventus defender Bremer and Corinthians striker Yuri Alberto have been drafted into Brazil’s squad for a friendly against Morocco. The pair replace Paris Saint-Germain defender Marquinhos and Tottenham Hotspur forward Richarlison, who were ruled out of Saturday’s clash in Tangier due to injury. Marquinhos has an abdominal strain while Richarlison suffered an unspecified muscle injury in his right leg. The last time Morocco and Brazil met in an official match was in 1998 when Brazil prevailed 2-0 in Belen. The teams also crossed paths in the group stage of the 1998 World Cup in France, a match Brazil won 3-0.…

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Peru has extended the state of emergency in several regions to deal with the two-month political turmoil that has claimed dozens of lives in clashes between protesters and security forces. A mandate published in the official newspaper El Peruano Friday said the measure will be extended by 60 days due to “continued terrorist activities and other illegal acts.” The measure was imposed in 44 districts across the country for the armed forces to continue their operations. It suspends constitutional rights such as freedom of assembly and authorizes the military, with the support of police, to restore public order during the…

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At least 14 cities in Brazil’s northeastern Rio Grande do Norte State suffered shooting or arson attacks early Tuesday morning that left one person dead, local authorities said. An organized crime ring known as the Crime Syndicate, which operates widely in the state, were allegedly behind the attacks, according to police reports. The fatal victim died in a clash with security forces, the police said, adding that the attacks occurred in the state capital Natal, and more than 10 other cities in the state. The state’s security forces jointly responded to the attacks on a court of law, two military…

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Peru decided to withdraw its ambassador to Honduras, Jorge Alejandro Raffo, in response to Honduran President Xiomara Castro’s support for Peru’s embattled former president Pedro Castillo, the Foreign Affairs Ministry said Thursday. Castro has said that a “coup d’etat” in Peru had ousted Castillo from office and called for his “immediate release,” said the ministry on Twitter. Castro’s comments constitute an “unacceptable interference in internal affairs,” said the ministry, adding relations with Honduras will be maintained indefinitely “at the level of charge d’affaires.” Castillo was impeached by Peru’s Congress for alleged “permanent moral incapacity” and arrested shortly afterward, sparking waves…

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Uruguay’s coasts are valuable for its tourism, fishing, shipping and trade. But, in a country whose renewable energy efforts have seen it dubbed an environmental “success story”, marine conservation remains a challenge. Back in 2016, under the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 14, the Uruguayan government committed to protecting 10% of its coastal and marine area by 2020. Yet less than 1% are protected today. It would seem difficult for Uruguay to contribute its share of the global target, established at the recent COP15 biodiversity talks in Canada, of protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030. Uruguayan authorities are, however, working on plans to ensure…

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